Thursday, October 29, 2009

A lot of threads

Recently I haven't been writing as much because I've been doing a lot of thinking. (I know, me, thinking, this is a shocking thing.)
There are so many things I want to finish--the book(s), my MA. I want to have order in my apartment and in life in general. I want to have a fruitful spiritual life. I want to do my job well, I want to be a good friend. There are lots of things I want. Of course a lot of these things also benefit others.
How do I make time for all of this?
I've been reading various blogs and websites, and I think I have a general idea. My time needs to be spent doing things that really contribute to my life goals--writing, music, prayer, study, being with my friends and family. Everything else is sort of....second. It's not that it's not important, it's just not as important.

So I'm trying to order my days appropriately, making time for all these things in turn.
I've found a parish in Columbus that I really like, and I'm thinking about joining it. They have a thriving congregation, a rich prayer life, devotions and ministries that speak to me. As I wrote about here, I've had the desire for some sort of consecrated life for awhile. At first I thought maybe I would become a nun. After some research here, it looks like God wants me "in the world." Most consecrated orders take vows of poverty, and I'm not exactly cheap to keep up.

Anyway, this parish that I'm looking at has a chapter of the Dominican Preachers, which used to be called the Third Order Dominicans. It's a lay order, but it's vowed--as in, you take simple and solemn vows, or professions. (That's St. Dominic, above.)
This really appeals to me. I can take vows, but be 'in the world.' I can learn, dedicate myself to an order and a way of life, be with others who feel the same calling I do. So in the prayer department, this is a  huge step forward for me. Of course, some of the same ideas apply--that you have to be accepted by the group, you have to have the right disposition, etc. (see link for more on this), but this might be the answer to the desire I've felt for some sort of structured religious life.
So that's one thread that seems to be self-resolving. My music is going so well with Robin, and I do find time to practice every day, even if it's not for as long as I'd like. The practicing does get done.
The MA studies have also been reinvigorated by a schedule. I like schedules. I'm a schedule sort of girl. And in the beginning I did have a pretty vigorous schedule. But this one that I've come up with now is much more realistic and I'm able to achieve what I want to achieve each week.
As for family/friends...that is sort of evolving. I've been spending a lot of time with my family lately. My friends have been a little harder to track down!

So this is all what's been going through my head lately. And I think that the thyroid drama was part of the whole "emily cannot get anything done", because I was too tired. I'm feeling better, and more purposeful. Heck, I'm even going to the gym again, like I'm supposed to.

So that's some of the reason behind the AWOL-ness. More on this as it develops.

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