I've been wanting to see this movie, and finally picked it up on DVD. I thought it might be fun to "liveblog" it as I watch it. So here we go....
--A few notes while the previews run:
Anne Boleyn: Natalie Portman (Anywhere But Here, Star Wars prequels)
Mary Boleyn: Scarlett Johansson (Match Point, Girl With A Pearl Earring, Lost in Translation)
Lady Boleyn (Their mother): Kristin Scott Thomas (The Horse Whisperer)
Henry VIII: Eric Bana (Munich, Troy)
based on the best-selling novel by Phillipa Gregory (and one of my favorite books)
Gregory did a lot of research for her novel, so it is, in particulars, historically accurate.
OK movie starting:
--Normal FBI warning--GRRRR
--And then the commentary notice. Another GRRRR.
--OK here we go.
--Scott Rudin, producer--also produced The Hours
--Opening: Boleyns as children--mary, Anne, George
--Immediately, Anne is seen as the favorite. Mary is "the kinder of the two, and quite possibly the fairer." She is engage dto Sir William Carey. Her father loves Mary, but he thinks Anne has what it takes to rise at court.
--Fast forward a few years--Mary at court. She is attended by servants, laced into her gown. Earring put in her ears. She is going to be married to William.
--Adult actors now. Establishes the playful tone between the siblings, but also tghe rivalry between Anne and Mary, even though Anne pretends to be joking with her.
--Next: Queen Katherine in labor...talks to her daughter, Princess Mary. She has lost another baby.
--The King, behind a screen. His face. He knows what has happened, and his face falls. Sighs.
--Mary's wedding. dances with George. George asks her if she's happy--Mary says she wants a husband who loves her. George says she's chosen well then.
--Henry Percy is seen staring at Anne. He is the richest landowner in England. ANne likes him. Says "bethrothed is not married."
--Thomas Norfolk and Boleyn are talking about the King and Queen's marriage and the loss of the Queen's child. Says teh king will want a mistress soon.
--Norfolk wants a Howard girl to go to Henry. Bolen suggests Anne. Anne is "Thomas's favorite." Anne is not "A simple , uncomplicateed girl liek Mary."
--Anne and mary--the wedding night. Anne is getting her sister ready for bed. Anne wants to be married. She says she's "failed Mary as an older sister," since she cannot give her advice on the marriage relationship. She takes Mary to William's room.
"Tell me everything in the morning," she says.
--NOTE: Anne wasn't actually there for Mary's wedding. she was in the Court of France. Mary was 13 whens he wed William Cary, who was a member of the King's court and high in his favor. Anne returned to England after her sister's wedding. The movie makes him out to be of lower rank.
--Anne goes to Boleyn and Norfolk. Norfolk tells her they will aim for her to be Henry's mistress. Norfolk plays to Anne's ambition. Norfolk says with this connection she coudl marry a marquis or a duke at least. Anne thinks about it.
--Norfolk deals with anne bluntly and as an equal. Her father tried to sugar coat it.
--Elizabeth and Thomas argue about Anne's role.
--Anne and Mary, outside. Mary says the wedding night was "very satisfactory." Then she tells Anne the truth, and they giggle together. Anne tells mary about the job she has to "divert the king" when he comes to visit. She is to "beguile him."
--The king arrives at the Boleyn estate (I'm guessing it's Hever? It's never stated, at least not thus far). It could be Rochester Hall, though, although they got that later.
--Anne and Mary dressing. Anne darts to the window and is visibly nervous.
--House is in an uproar of preparations--food, horses, etc.
--Anne and Mary--Mary assures her that Henry will like her.
--The King's tent is set up outside. His standard is in place as the household welcomes him. Anne tries to relax and appear confident. Her father studies her.
--The scenes have a very yellow, warm tone to them. Everything looks like it has enhanced sunlight on it.
--The king arrives. Anne gives a pretty curtsy. She stares at him.
--Henry greets the family. Thomas presents Anne. Henry presents his hand. She curtsies and smiles. Mary is not introduced--she looks slighted.
--The meal. Henry sits next to Anne. She is constanrtly y looking at hi,, at Norfolk, at her mother. You can tell Elizabeth is not in favor of this scheme at all.
--A hunt the next day. Anne and Henry have a tete a tete in the stableyard. Thomas and Mary watch. George goes out w/ the hunt.
--Late afternoon. Thomas paces in his study. Mary sits in the window well. They are waiting for the return of the hunt.
--HUnt returns, in slow motion. Mary spots them. She gasps and leaves the room.
--Two horsemen return. The family comes outside. The King is injured during the hunt. Panic. Controlled panic. Anne led the party into a ravine after a stag. The King followed and fell. Mary goes to Anne. Norfolk asks for Mary.
--Mary is attending the King's wounds. He awakens. She is startled. She introduces herself. Henry asks how he could have overlooked her. Mary says it's easy when you're next to Anne. He notices her wedding ring. He asks why she hasn't been at court. Henry is taken with her. He stares. She smiles somewhat uncomfortably.
--The King leaves; he thanks Elizabeth and Sir Thomas. He mentions "a matter" to Sir Thomas, who says he will take care of it. Shot of Mary, her head down, Anne's eyes boring into her back and flashing between her and the King. She knows something has happened.
--The King and his entourage depart.
--Norfolk, Thomas, William, mary--in a study. Mary is to serve the Queen. Mary protests. William says he has also been offered a position in the Privy Council. Norfolk tells Mary to forget about the country. She appeals to William. He ignored her. They are to go. Mary suggests Anne. That idea is brushed off. Mary hates this idea. She appeals to her parents. Elizabeth tells her daughter she must go.
--Mary asks Anne not to be angry with her. Anne is quite angry. She doesn't beleive Mary is innocent in this.
--arrival at court. Queen K is less than pleased to see Mary, especially when she hears that mary has been chosen by the King. Anneiis with Mary. The Queen asks for Mary's special talents, apart from her "youth and beauty." She cannot answer. The Queen asks her to sing. Mary tries to bed off, but is forced to sing. She can't sing at all (which is sad, because the actress really can sing). Anne watches passively. Silence. The Queen claps quickly. Mary curtsies, humiliated.
--Jane Parker (George's future wife) chases Mary down the hall and tells her that the Queen is quite nice.
--A dance. Mary enters. Her head bare, unlike the Queen's hooded head. Anne is talking to George about Jane. George wants nothing to do with her.
--William Stafford appearas next to mary. They discuss life at court- he says he is homesick. He is one of her uncle's men. He says anne is "thriving" and has caught the eye of Henry Percy. Mary wonders why Anne does these things, since he is already taken.
--The King enters. Anne locks her eyes on him, and Mary curtsies. The King whispers, "Tonight." Mary's face goes Pale. Anne storms off. William watches the exchange.
-- Anne prepares Mary for the evening. She is focusing on Mary's advancement, but she seems firm and detached. mary leaves, alone. Her hair is loose about her shoulders and she wears a red velvet robe.
--Mary down a hallway. She enters his room. He asks if she would like anything. She asks for water. He takes her robe and motins to the bed, which is bedecked in fur blankets. A fire roars. He brings two goblets to the bed. She begins to relax. He says he likes her, and trusts her. He says her face is "the sun." She is uncomfortable with flattery,. He sees that she is not often complimented and is overshadowed by Anne. He says he understands, since he was the second child as well (to his brother, Arthur). They kiss.
--The tension between them is quite electric. She moves into him and kisses him.
--Hands on her face. Down on the bed they go....
--The morning after. He is holding her in bed. Sun is up. She stirs.
--She leaves the room, finds William Staffors outside the door. He is to bring her to Sir Thomas. They go. He seems embarrassed.
--Norfolk, William, Thomas with Mary. They ask if they had sex. She answers hesitatntly--"yes." Norfolk says she better get used to talking about it. She says it happened more than once. She says she believes he was satisfied. Norfolk dismisses her. "Now our work is begun," Norfolk says. Elizabeth defends Mary's education and says Anne does not need to tutor her. Norfolk dismisses his sister. Her mother seems to be her one defender in the family. (This is different than history, in which Elizabeth Howard was just as ambitious as her brother).
--Mary and the King at it again. She is fair and golden to his dark complexion. It's a compelling contrast.
--Henry tells Mary that he is going to give William an assignment. She says she wouldn't object to it. He kisses her.
--Intercut with Anne and Henry Percy in the woods. The two are bethrothed. It is dark, lit only by moonlight.
--Mary is reading a letter from Henry, professing his love.
--Anne is seen sleeping with Percy. She wears his ring.
--George tells mary of Anne's marriage. Mary is not pleased. George sees the advancement, but Maryt is practical--Henry is precontracted to mary talbot. Mary goes to tell her father.
--Anne is upbraided by her father and Norfolk. She says the marriage has been signed and consummated. Norfolk is ready to kill her. Percy leaves the room. Anne is near tears. Norfolk sends her to France. (In truth she was sent to Hever.)
--Anne is ready to kill Mary. They argue in the hallway. Anne does not want her father to love anyone else but her. Elizabeth tells Anne to look at this as an opportunity to learn from the Queen of France. She tells Anne to observe the "art of being a woman."
--Mary and George watch Anne leave from the window.
--Mary vomits into a basin. She is pregnant. The realization hits her slowly.
--The King is thrilled. Silent scene. He ponders what this means for him.
--The Queen, silent. In despair.
--Henry walks beside Mary, he kisses her lightly.
--Mary is told that her husband will become an earl. The king will marry Jane Parker. George tries to beg off, but his father refuses by baiting his pride. George is very unhappy. Elizabeth is silent, and says Mary will not be happy when the King leaves her. Thomas asks if any of his work pleases her--she says that it is all ephemeral. His favor will go as quickly as it will come.
--Mary's bedroom. She is in pain and alone. They fear a miscarriage, and Mary must being her lying-in immediately.
--The room is darkened, and a crucifix brought in. Mary cannot leave the room until the baby is delivered. She knows that all of her family's plans rest on this child.
--The King will not bed her during her lying-in. The way the girls are interchangeable is established. One does just as well as the other. Sir Thomas says that Anne is "quite changed" since her banishment.
--Elizabeth writes to Anne to inform her. She is to keep the King's mind of Mary. That is "her task, and no more."
--A banquet. The King notices the uproar Anne is causing. He mentions Mary, and then Asks Anne to stand. She is radiant in emerald green, with her "B' necklace. She smiles seductively.
--She regales Henry with tales of the French King's pettiness and resentment. She says great men rise above such things. Anne says she'd know a great man if he were before her. The king asks her to look for a great man. She is looking. Norfolk is worried. Anne sasy she has found one. Her eyes are locked on him.
--Their banter is witty, sexy, and fast.
--He welcomes hedr back to court.
--George tells Mary what has happened. She is indignant. George is frustrated.
--George comes to see Jane. Jane is angry. She doesn't like him spending time w/ his sisters. She complains that he doesn't sleep with her.
--The King asks Anne to read his fortune. Henry mentions he heard of Lutherand and heretics in the French court. Anne says she kept her cross close toheart at all times.
--He comes upon her praying in the chapel and sits behind her. He wants her. She knows it.
--the tension is palpable. Anne does not turn to him. She crosses herself slowly and rises. She passes him without acknowledgment.
--Anne is pleased with herself.
--Mary. The king is visiting her. She is asleep. He leaves the room without her knowing of his presence.
--Anne has received a gift from the King. It is a jeweled brooch, with rubies and pearls. Anne gasps. She tells the page to send it back. The page doesn't move.
--The King is astounded that she sent it back.
--Mary. Anne comes to visit her. She kisses Mary's hand. mary is doubtful of Anne's motives. Anne says that perhaps Mary will know how it feels to be deceived by a sister. She will never forgive mary for what happened with the King and Henry Percy. A page comes to give another gift to Anne. She tells him to send it back. Anne tries tp play it off, but Mary knows what is happening. She does not believe Anne has her interestes at heart. Mary says she loves him, adn Anne says "perhaps you should stop."
--The king is rushing through the hallways to Lady Elizabeth. He is angry. He asks for her daughter, and Elizabeth asks, "which one?"
--he goes to Anne's door. She will not open it. They argue about the gifts. Anne says she is insulted. The King wishes to show Anne the kindess and generosity she has shown Anne. The door opens. He says "she has changed." They deeply want each other, but Anne says she would "never" betray Mary. He goes to kiss her but she rebuffs him.
--She is breathless with her triumph.
--Mary's labor begins. Again, she is alone.
--Shot of the anteroom. The king has been altered of Mary's labor. he enters. They wait.
--Mary's room. She is with the midwives.
--Anne enters the anteroom. Anne says she cannot trust Henry.
--Mary's labor.
--Henry says he willneverlie with Katherine or be with Mary again.
--The midwife announces a boy. Henry's face is alight. Mary is thrilled. Anne is devastated. She tells him"he may have hope." He hisses her hand and says "my one true love." Norfolk is pissed.
--Mary spots teh King. She is holding the baby. He leaves without going to her. She calls after him again. Anne gives Mar a triumphant smile.
--NOTEL Anne did have a son, but after her first born daughter, Catherine.
--Norfolkis really chewing out Anne. Norfolk says teh Queen has undergone the change and is barren. Elizabeth shuts them up. She asks about Mary and the child. Anne says they can go back to the country. She says it is the king's wish and hers. Elizabeth says she can tell Mary that.
--Mary is asleep. Anne enters. Mary cannot believe she woudl appear there. Anne is silent. Mary warns Anne that he will do the same to Anne as he did to her. Anne says Love is of no value without love and position. Mary knows what is going on and says her sister is suggesting treason. mar ytells her she is reaching to ohigh, as always. She sends Mary to Rochford.
--Um, what about William? In history (and the novel!), he does die, but we haven't ehard that yet. I'm guessing he's ben disposed of?
--mary is ssent away. The king and Anne ride by, one the same horse, and glance at her. Mary is heartbroken. George escorts her to the carriage.
--Henry asks if Anne will give herself to him now. She says not until the Queen is gone. Anne says Henry must divorce the Queen. He is going to try to send the Queen to a nunnery. Anne says she wants to give herself to him, but cannot until they are married. She says she will not be his whore. Anne says he could annul the marriage. He sighs. She works her seduction. She says then he will be free to remarry and she could give herself to him fully.
--Henry is reading a letter. He is visbily shaken.
--Anne is seen washing herself. Norfolk storms in. He accuses Anne of the Percy affair, saying that mary talbot says he and Anne had sex. Norfolk says teh only Boleyn he will listent o is Mary. Anne asks for her to be summoned.
--Mary appears before the King. Of course, mary knows what happened. The King wants to hear her back up Anne's story. He asks if he can trust Anne--what a question!!!!!!!!!
--You can see Mary is torn--she wants to tell the truth, becuase the king trusts her. She wants to bring her sister down. But then she knows where her loyalties lie.
--Anne goes to mary. She thanks her for what she did. Mary says she did it as a peace offering. Anne kisses her and says it will be a new start at court. Mary says she must return home. Anne says she cannot do with out her at court. She begs Mary to stay.
--The Trial of Queen Katherine. Aerial shot of London---very nice.
--Mary notices that the crowds favor the Queen. Anne says tersely "The crowd has no vote." The Queen calls them "The Boleyn whores." Katherine says she will give in. She says Anne has bewitched the King, and goes into court. The sisters are alone.
--The Queen before the cardinals. Norfolk is present. The King is on his throne. Katherine addresses him directly. She is passionate.
--Anne says that the king should just divorce the queen, regardless of Rome. Elizabeth sees what that would mean, and says his faith would never allow that. Norfolk agrees. Anne says that without an heir, Henry risks civil war.
--Everyone int h family is afraid of Anne's ambition. She has gone too far.
--Katherine is alone with Henry. She is trying to persuade him. He is uncomfortable in her presence.
--Katerine is gone. Anne says she will still not give herself to him. He shouts at her, saying he has torn the country apart for her, and has gotten rid of a good woman in the queen and will be excommunicated. Henry takes her by force, ripping her close. Anne is sobbing. He is furious, overhwlemed with guilt and passion.
--Anne and mary. Anne asks how he was with her. Mary says he was tender. Anne's face is in pain, and contorted. She knows how Henry really feels, and where her ambition has brought her.
--The marriage. Both of them look stunned. Mary is quiet. Anne is crowned Queen. Her face is blank.
--A court clebration. Anne is on the dias with Henry. A crowd begins to chant against Anne outside. Anne is visibly terrified and worried.
--William Stafford comes to tell Mary he is leaving court. He proposes marriage to her. He says he would never betray her or take her for granted. He says he doesn't care what her family thinks, he cares what she thinks. She doesn't answer. He leaves. Mary clearly wants him, but she is afraid of risking displeasure.
--Anne sobs in her room. She is giving birth. Elizabeth is born. Mary and Anne are seen through the window. The baby cries.
--Mary receives the baby and gives her to Anne. Anne holds her, but is disappointed. She tries to hide it. Her face is a tapestry of emotion. She holds the baby tightly but you can tell she is worn out and very disappointed.
--Henry enters. Anne named the baby Elizabeth after the King's mother. He asks about the baby's health, which is "perfect." He goes to Anne and his daughter. He says if we can have a healthy daughter they can have a healthy son. He doesn't kiss her or show any affection. Anne is crying and kissing Elizabeth. She sees what is before her.
--Henry is with a woman in the dark. Mary says he is with JAne Seymour. Anne knows that she must have a boy. She will not let him "pass her over." The baby cries. Mary tries to comfort her as Anne and Henry argue about Jane. The argument becomes physical. Anne is going crazy. She says that some nights the king cannot be aroused. She is desperate. She blames herself.
--Anne is pregnant again. Mary goes to congratulate her sister. The situation, however, is still delicate. The family needs this to be a boy, not a girl or still born. Norfolk tells Mary that the family wil perish if it is any other way. Mary leaves.
--Anne's room. She is in pain. Her maids enter. She says she had a bad dream. She asks them to get her siblings. Anne know she is miscarrying and she is deathly afraid. She sobs.
-- She holds the dead baby as Mary and George enter. She cries out for the baby to be destroyed. George takes it away. Mary is stunned and silent. Anne is shaking. Mary puts her arms around her.
--Anne says she can feel the KIng watching her. She says he has not told him about the dead baby. She says he will have her burned. Anne he won't lie with her while she believes he's pregnant. She looks at George, her eyes begging him. George shakes his head. She says he is her only hope. Mary and Anne both try to persuade him to opposite positions. mary leaves, imploring mercy on them. They kiss.
--Jane sees Anne and George. She doesn't see anything, but she thinks she does. She starts to cry.
--George and Anne. George says he can't do it. The two are crying. Anne says she will tell the king in the morning.
--Jane is reporting what she saw.
--Mary, alone. A man appears. She is leaving for Rochford.
--The King's table. He is alone. Lady Rochford--Jane--has come to him, with what she has seen.
--Mary departs for Rochford Hall. She is alone. Her things have been sent ahead.
--Anne tells Henry. Henry calls her a witch. She says he came early. He calls for guards. George is arrested. Anne sits alone in her room.Elizabeth sees what is happening to her children. She is bereft. She slaps her husband and curses her brother.
--Mart is seen wthi William. She is dressed as a country wife. A messneger from court is come. She blanches.
--Anne is taken into the same courtroom as Katherine was, before the peers. She rebukes the peers for not rising for her. She says that being charged is not the same as being convicted. Sbe is charged with incest and treason. Cromwell reads out the charges against her. she pleads not guilty. Her testimony is overlapped with images of George in the tower.
--Mary rides frantically back to court.
--Anne is found guilty. She cannot believe it. Even her uncle decides against her. Henry watches behind the portcullis. He turns.
--mary arrives at court.
--George's execution on Tower Green. Crowds surround him
--The King is in the castle. Mary appears. They meet alone. She is speechless. He is softened by her. She begs for Anne. Mary is trying not to cry. The King says she puts herselt at great risk. mary says she is here because Anne is her sister and half of her. The King says he would not hurt any part of Mary. She sinks to her knees. She rises. The King is in thought. Mary thinks Anne wil be spared.
--Mary visits Anne in the Tower. She is seated at a table in a dark gown. They embrace. Anne sobs. She tells Mary that they didn't do it. Mary is guarded. The door opens. Mary says the king said she wold be good as spared. Mary says that the king is not with Jane Seymour. She lies to Anne, who sees through it. mary holds her sister and asks her to look after Elizabeth. Mary says it won't come to that. She says Henry will heep his word.
--Anne is brought down fromt he tower. Mary nods at her, tries to give her comfort. She still thinks Anne will be spred. Anne wears a hood and an ermine collar over her gown. She climbs the scaffold.
--Mary watches. She thinks tha pardon will come. She looks around for it and does not see Henry.
--The crowd is silent. Anne give sher final speech. "God knows" her offenses and she "remits them to God and asks her to have mercy on her soul." She prays for the King. She starts to lose her composure as teh King's guards bring anote to Mary. She opens it. Henry respects and loves Mary but tell sher not to do it again because she will not receive clemency a second time. He will not save Anne. Mary gasps, and Anne begins to tremble. She removes her hood with shaking hands. The ermine cape is removed, as is her necklace. Her hair is bound up under a white cloth. She begins to sob. Mary cannot believe it. The sword comes.
--Mary blanches and looks up.
--Henry is seen int e castle, in half light.
--The scaffold, from above. Pan up.
--mary leaves quickly, her head up. She walks through the passageways, with people chattering around her. She is in the castle. She asks for Elizabeth from her mother. She takes the toddler Elizabeth. Elizabeth is golden haired, sucking on her thumb. Mary goes through the crowded corridors with the baby. Pan out.
--Fade to black.
--Shot: a doorway in the country. Siur Thomas--died two years later. Norfolk was imprisoned ane executed.
--The country. Children laughing. two girls and a boy. Mary walks with William. She lived with him the rest of her life and did not return to court.
--Elizabeth reigned England for 44 years. Shot of a small red-haired child. Final titles--he is not remembered for the boy, but for the red-haired child Anne gave him--Elizabeth.
--Historically accurate (for the most part--The King met Mary once she was a lady in waiting to Queen Katherine. And Queen Katherine actually liked Mary very much. She knew that Mary was doing something she didn't want to do.)
--Moves much faster thant he book and therefore is missing some of the passion involving Mary. He had two children with her. Anne had two miscarriages, not just one.
--Good tension between Anne and Mary. The real crux of the movie/book is that they love each other, but are fiercely competitive. They cannot imagine life without each other, but they both want to supplant the other.