Friday, June 05, 2009

Seven Quick Takes Friday--Vol. V

So the week got off to an auspicious beginning with time in the resort, fun drugs and a clean digestive tract (an empty one, anyway). Thankfully the rest of the week was less eventful (although the budget did get passed out of the Senate at work, so that's a wonderful thing.). Stomach is still slightly iffy, so I'm trying to be nice to it. 

Side note to the above: I like pain meds, I like what they do. I don't like needing them (who does?), and when my parents are around I tend to act like I need them less than I do. I actually have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but when it's reached, it's reached. 
So I definitely "reached" that point on Sunday morning when the ER nurses (both named Jen, although one was "Jen" and one was "Jenn") came in to access the port, start fluids, get blood draw, and give me magic drugs of phenergan and dilaudid. Oh happy day. 
Anyway, I had sort of lost it...pain was in the 10+ range, etc., and I wasn't really thinking about not asking for as much med as they would give me to feel sane. 
After Jen got the port in and the fluids running, and Jenn had the blood sent to the lab, she held up the two tiny syringes that held wonderful magic drugs (OK, I know, this sounds awful, but really, they looked fantatic at this point). She asked, " do you want to do 1 mg and see how that goes, or just do 2 right off the bat?"
"Can I have two, please?" *(Yes I said please)
It was immediate, and normally it is not immediate. Normally I look at Dad and sort of hem and haw and if mom's there she'll lobby for the lower dose. But no way.
"Absolutely." Magic was swiftly delivered. Even after the port needle had to be taken out and re-accessed with a 1" needle, I did not care. I was blissfully unaware. Or at least, pain-free, ergo I did not care what was happening to me. 

While the Pens may have lost on Sat., they've won the last two, including last night. Game 5 is tomorrow in Detroit. If we win, we can win at the Cup at Mellon in Game 6. Go team!

Biblical studies class happening after I write this. 

We've had so much rain lately that it's nice to see sun! It was 90 on Saturday, but it will be 80 tomorrow, when I'm volunteering at BalletMet's booth at the Art Festival! Should be a lot of fun, and if you're in Columbus, come on out to the Discovery District. The Art Museum is FREE, so you can see the Egyptian Art exhibit! (That's what I'm planning to do pre-shift) After the art fest, I'm thinking about going to see my friend Bill, from Parade (he was Mr. Watson, the "rabid newspaper publisher") play Cardinal Richelieu in Actors' Theater's The Three Musketeers. One of the great things about summer in Columbus--theater at Schiller Park!

The gym thing goes on. I may go tonight--will go tomorrow, but will probably get enough walking, etc in at the Fest. Don't worry I'm still doing it. (Gloom and doom sigh here)

Reading: Pride and Prejudice; The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday (finished); Handle With Care (finished); A Father Who Keeps His Promises

For more Quick Takes, see Jen at Conversion Diary!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Egypt is on my bucket list. Hope you love the exhibit!