Sunday, November 02, 2008

Me and Dr. A

I will be giving Dr. A's office a call tomorrow AM, because lovely symptoms are happening!
(although normally I get sick during a budget year, and we're not quite there yet. For instance...
2005: the transplant. :)
2007: Missed a lot of Jan-Feb-March due to Fun things)

For those interested:
--increased cough, with "productivity", which means stuff comes up (gross, I know)
--chest pain (right side)
--sinuses acting up like mad, with drainage (also gross, I know)
--sleeping like there's no tomorrow (not happy, but I want to blame the evil N drug)

So we'll see what The Powers That Be Have To Say.

Oh, and Theater Update: Cast list for B&B goes up on W. Fingers we'll see!

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